Karte Rangliste


Besiegte Gegner: 10.639 (1348.)
Stamm: BP

Dörfer (17) Koordinaten Punkte
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
491|585 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
495|588 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
489|586 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
493|586 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
490|587 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
494|588 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
492|589 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
492|591 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
496|590 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
494|590 10.083
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
494|593 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
491|587 10.182
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
493|590 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
495|597 10.019
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
490|597 10.014
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
487|634 8.997
Alley Cat Wag The Tail
485|640 6.031